e v a l u a t e
Whether architecture or interiors, we like to become involved at the earliest stages to analyse occupier use, working patterns and future requirements. Where appropriate, we can assist occupiers to find and select property that most suits their requirements.
t e s t
We can evaluate and test-fit shortlisted spaces and assess how best the client's requirements can be accommodated at earliest stages of a project
i m p l e m e n t
From the earliest stages of evaluation, a successful implementation is in our minds. Knowing the importance of keeping the project on track, giving the client peace of mind we offer project management delivered with energy and commitment.
d e s i g n
We bring creative responses and experience to the design development process. Team building with consultants and specialists ensures a robust final solution.
s u p p o r t
Always bringing an architects eye, we continue to support the client through the completion and beyond and beyond, guiding the transition from old to new and adaptions to suit changing requirements.